Tag: television

The Death of Traditional TV: A Marriage of Internet and Television

Over the last decade, television as the world once knew has been changing.  It has to in order to survive.  With the widespread adoption of high speed internet and the infrastructure to support streaming videos online, it was a marriage destined to be.  One that is long overdue. Generation Y, preferring the utility of a …

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Generation Y as Consumers: How Echo Boomers are Shaping the Future of Advertising

Gen Y in the workplace

You see an ad for a good product and how wonderful it works.  It happens all too often – some guy on TV showing you how their product is superior to another, how their ingredients are fresher, their engineers smarter, etc.  Is it true?  It doesn’t matter says Generation Y.  We don’t want it. Believe …

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Generation Y Changing the Way We Watch Movies

Netflix on Wii

Echo boomers are changing the way we view TV and movies. The same day Blockbuster, a 25 year old movie rental store, declares bankruptcy (link), Netflix, a 13 year old online movie rental company, declares it will be focusing on streaming content online (link). This is another example of the shift away from physical forms …

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